
    At TechKV, our core values revolve around unwavering transparency and steadfast integrity in every content we publish. Our editorial process is meticulously aligned with the Disclosure Compliance Policy set forth by the Federal Trade Commission in 2015. This critical policy serves as a cornerstone in our efforts, ensuring our valued audience is fully aware of the nature and background of the content they engage with on our platform.

    We believe that transparency is essential in building trust with our readers and maintaining the highest standards of ethical journalism. Therefore, the core ways in which we deal with information and our stances are judiciously explained in this document. Readers of TechKV are requested to understand the policy clearly before moving forward.

    Affiliate Links and Commissions

    TechKV incorporates affiliate links within our content as a means of generating revenue. These links are carefully selected and integrated, guiding you to various product or service pages. We understand that the use of affiliate links may raise questions about potential biases or conflicts of interest. However, we want to assure you that our platform does not engage in direct sales of products or services.

    Our primary goal is to provide valuable information and recommendations to our readers. Instead of promoting our own products, we test and endorse products that are sold by other manufacturers. And in doing so, we make use of affiliate links so that we earn a commission when our recommendation is passed through to a purchase.

    Types of Affiliate Links

    • Amazon Affiliate Links: TechKV participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising initiative designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon products. When you click on these links, you are seamlessly directed to Amazon’s platform to make your purchases. We believe that this partnership with Amazon allows us to offer a wide range of products and enhance your shopping experience.
    • Product Affiliate Links: In addition to Amazon, we also host affiliate links leading to products and services offered by various third-party providers. These affiliate links contribute to our revenue, supporting the continued delivery of high-quality content. We carefully choose our affiliate partnerships to ensure that the products and services we recommend align with our commitment to excellence and meet the needs of our readers.

    Commission Policy

    Our affiliate link strategy is designed with our audience’s best interests at heart. We want to emphasize that the use of these links does not in any way inflate the prices of the products you buy. The commission we receive is a part of the retailer’s marketing expenses and does not affect the cost to you as a customer.

    In fact, in some cases, our affiliate links may include special promotional codes that offer you the chance to save money on your purchases. Our goal is to provide you with valuable resources while also helping to sustain the operations of TechKV.

    Privacy Assurance

    At TechKV, we prioritize your privacy above all else. We understand the importance of safeguarding your personal information and maintaining your trust. Rest assured that we do not collect, store, or share any personal details, including but not limited to email addresses, physical addresses, or credit card information. Our commitment to your privacy is unwavering, and we employ rigorous measures to ensure the security and protection of your data. To understand the other ways in which TechKV prioritizes and protects your privacy, you can refer to the privacy policy document available on the website. Once again, we consider it important that you keep an eye on these documents so that further complications along the line can be avoided.

    Sponsored Content

    Our approach to sponsored content is measured and intentional. We recognize the importance of maintaining editorial independence and ensuring that our recommendations are unbiased and trustworthy. As part of our commitment to transparency, we limit the volume of sponsored content on our platform.

    When we do feature sponsored content, it is clearly labeled as ‘Sponsored’ to ensure full transparency. Our objective remains to provide genuine, unbiased recommendations that you can rely on to make informed decisions. It is also important to know that the sponsored nature of sponsored content ends at the name itself.

    That is, TechKV holds complete editorial rights when it comes to conveying our opinions and true experiences with the product, even when it is sponsored content. In other words, we consider sponsored content as an opportunity for products and services to reach out to us and get those products covered by us because otherwise, we wouldn’t cover them.

    Supporting TechKV

    Your support is the lifeline of TechKV. It enables us to uphold our commitment to making technology accessible to everyone. So, if you consider TechKV as an important resource that has helped you in any way, you can consider supporting us because that would help us cover the monetary effort and the other expenses of labor that are required to keep this website running without biases. There are several ways you can support our mission and contribute to the growth of our platform:

    • Utilize TechKV referral links for your technology purchases. By doing so, you support us financially and benefit from our carefully selected recommendations.
    • Leave insightful product reviews and engage in community discussions. Your feedback and contributions help us improve and provide better value to our readers.
    • Share our content with your network, expanding our reach and impact. By spreading the word about TechKV, you help us reach more individuals who can benefit from our unbiased tech content.

    Our Ethical Stance

    TechKV stands as a beacon for equal access to technology. We are committed to producing reliable and independent tech content, steering clear of any associations with entities that compromise privacy or engage in unethical practices. Our content is meticulously researched and unbiased, offering thoroughly tested recommendations.

    Every piece of content that is published on TechKV goes through multiple levels of editing, proofreading, and fact-checking so that you don’t have to come across any issues whatsoever. For instance, when we publish how-to tutorials on the website, the steps are checked on different machines so that compatibility and the functionality of the steps are 100%. We strive to provide you with accurate and trustworthy information, empowering you to make well-informed decisions about technology.


    In every aspect of our operations, from affiliate links to sponsored content, our focus is on delivering unbiased, high-quality recommendations. We are dedicated to transparency in disclosing our advertising practices, revenue sources, and the use of affiliate links and sponsored posts.

    We profoundly appreciate your trust and support in TechKV. By choosing to engage with our content, you are not just a reader; you are a valued member of a community that champions accessible, unbiased technology for all.