Confirming the many rumors from earlier, Google launched its Pixel 9 smartphone lineup in an event on 13 August 2024. While the stars of the event were the Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, Pixel 9 Pro XL, and Pixel 9 Pro Fold, the event also witnessed the launch of the Pixel Watch 3, Pixel Buds Pro 2, and Gemini Voice Chat. Google’s AI powers these devices’ features inside out, and they claim to offer a refined smartphone experience.

    Google Pixel phone

    The Pixel 9 lineup from Google has embraced a sleek design with cornered edges and a new arrangement to accommodate its camera setup. Google claims that these designs are twice as durable as its Pixel 8 lineup. For the first time, customers can now choose between two different sizes of Pixel Pro models. They can go for the Pixel 9 Pro, which has a 6.3-inch screen, and the Pixel 9 Pro XL, which packs a 6.8-inch screen. The XL model also gets improved charging speed and battery backup.

    Pixel 9 homescreen

    All devices in the Pixel 9 lineup are powered by Google’s latest silicon: Tensor G4. This chip is optimized for maximum AI performance and brings in several features for photo editing, among other purposes. However, the chipsets on Pixel 9 Pro and Pro Fold are customized for extra power. The Pixel 9 Pro Fold is also packed with improvements over its predecessor.

    Watching videos on Pixel 9 phone

    For instance, it has a 6.3-inch panel on the outside and an 8-inch panel on the inside, offering maximum screen real estate. It also has almost double the peak brightness of Pixel Fold. Priced at a relatively massive $1,799, the Pixel 9 Pro Fold will be available from September alongside the Pixel 9 Pro. On the contrary, you can get the Pixel 9 and Pixel 9 Pro XL from August 22nd. Pixel 9, Pixel 9 Pro, and Pixel 9 Pro XL are priced at $799, $999, and $1099, respectively.

    Pixel 9 phone size

    All these Pixel devices will have built-in access to Gemini AI Assistant. This AI package has multiple features, including Pixel Screenshots, Pixel Studio, Add Me (a feature for intelligently stitching photos), and Voice Chat support. The voice-chat feature, dubbed Gemini Live, is similar to the ChatGPT voice assistant, which lets you have proactive conversations with the AI, even accommodating mid-sentence breaks. Most of these features will be exclusive to the Pixel 9 lineup, citing its requirement for Tensor G4’s extra power.

    Pixel Buds Pro 2

    Google also offers additional options with its latest Pixel Watch 3. Customers can now get the watch in 41mm or 45mm models, equipped with displays of 2000-nits peak brightness. On the hardware front, Google has added an ultra-wideband chip as well. Pixel Buds Pro 2 also has many features under the hood, such as improved active noise cancellation and additional battery life.

    The Pixel Watch 3 and Pixel Buds Pro 2 are priced at $349.99 and $229, respectively.

    Avatar for Rajesh Namase

    Rajesh Namase is one of the top tech bloggers and one of the first people to turn digital marketing and blogging into a full-time profession. He has unwavering passion for technology, digital marketing, and SEO. With a penchant for exploring the digital world, Rajesh covers a wide range of topics, from Android to the intricate universe of the internet, including WiFi, YouTube, and more.

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